Spend Christmas 2018 at Our Burleigh Beach Resort

Posted in Local Events @ Oct 24th 2018 8:00am - By Administrator

Spend Christmas on one of the Gold Coast’s most picturesque holiday destinations this 2018 with Burleigh on the Beach, an affordable Burleigh Beach resort that offers the perfect break for couples and families. Visit the Gold Coast this December for an exciting lineup of festive events that will make your Christmas unforgettable, which can all be enjoyed just moments away from Burleigh on the Beach. Book with us today and start getting excited for a memorable Christmas on the Gold Coast.

On December 1 start the month of Christmas with an evening of hilarious singalong with Kev’s Krissmas Live at The Star Gold Coast. Hilarious songwriter and comedian Kevin Bloody Wilson will be performing an evening of his laugh-out-loud Christmas songs including “Dingle Berries”, “Silent Wife”, “Tokeable Krissmas Tree” and more, providing an hysterical start to your Christmas.

On December 7 The Star Gold Coast will be hosting another Christmas special with A Taste of Irish Christmas, an energetic Celtic dance show that will have you enthralled right to the encore!

On December 8 don’t miss the Gold Coast’s big carolling spectacular on Broadbeach. The Broadbeach Christmas Carols is the perfect chance to sing along to your favourite carols alongside a fantastic atmosphere on Kurrawa Beach, one of the Gold Coast’s most famous beaches. Bring your loved ones along for this magical community carol singalong.

On December 18 enjoy more carols at HOTA in Surfers Paradise with famous Australian musical-theatre star Marina Prior on centre stage. Christmas with Marina Prior will see her perform songs and carols from her bestselling Christmas albums, and it’s not one to miss before Christmas Day.

For a Christmas on the Gold Coast, view and book our Burleigh Beach accommodation today at https://burleighonthebeach.etourism.net.au


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