Meet Hundreds of Friendly Pets at AusPet 2018

Posted in Local Events @ Aug 9th 2018 6:53pm - By Administrator

Meet hundreds of furry and scaly friends at this year’s AUSPET - an unmissable pet convention that will be coming to Broadbeach on the Gold Coast this spring. Hosted by PIAA (Pet Industry Association of Australia, AusPet is a must-attend for pet owners, animal lovers, and aspiring pet owners, where you can get up close to a whole host of friendly pets and animals from all over the country. Book a stay at our Burleigh Beach resort near Broadbeach so you make sure not to miss it!

At AusPet 2018 you can except hundreds of animals from all over Australia, including dogs, cats, guinea pigs, birds, fish, reptiles, and more. Meet and get up close with your favourites, and see them compete in a number of competitions and demonstrations! AusPet 2018 will feature a number of unmissable animal events including a Dog Agility Demonstration, Dog Grooming Competition, Police Dogs Queensland, Gold Coast Cat Club, and Reptile Show. You can also take the opportunity to meet event ambassador and famous TV personality Shelley Craft.

Pet owners are welcome to bring their pets along to AusPet 2018, and even avail of exciting grooming services and pet products throughout the two-day event. There’ll be huge discounts to get your hands on, plus heaps to do for the kids, such as face painting, a jumping castle, pony rides, and a lots of friendly animals at the petting zoo!

AusPet 2018 will take place over two days at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre in Broadbeach. Simply put, if you love animals of all shapes and sizes then make sure to stop by! Don’t miss it on October 20 and October 21.

Attend AusPet 2018 and make a holiday of it by staying at Burleigh on the Beach. For more information on our resort please visit

Image Source : AusPet


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